My name is Ángel F. Plaza and I am the “machine” that collects the news and put them together every month.
There is no AI or algorithms here, this is 100% manual and this is how is going to be.
I started to collect news for the WordPress St.Albans Meetup. We read them at the beginning of every event and we talk about them. It is a nice way to start the conversation. A lot of people told me that they found this really helpful and that they like to know that coming to the meetups keep them informed and know what to expect in the future.
But there was some limitations, and I thought this could be improved. Some people cannot assist every month, telling the news sometimes get short because it is difficult to spell a long url and expect everyone to remember it or write it down in 2 minutes.
I also feel that I cannot share other interesting tools or reads that I collect but that they do not fit so well on the WordPress Meetup, as they were more business related or just nice reads for the weekend.
So I decided that I could create a newsletter that solves all those problems, and if you are reading this, you have found it.
And if you want to help, please suggest any links or content that you think may be interesting, sponsor any issue or just share it with your friends.
Ah, and feel free to use this news on your meetup, event or anywhere you want. No need to ask permission or anything.
Enjoy it!
Ángel F. Plaza